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Quality Assurance

01.Quality Assurance Manager

(1)    To be responsible for implementing national safety supervision regulations, standards, policies and decrees for boiler, pressure vessel and pressure piping, and organizing all staff to study conscientiously.

(2)    Examination and approval of quality inspection institutions, appointment and removal of quality inspection personnel, review and approval of "quality manual", "management system compilation", "construction process documents".

(3)    It must organize personnel study, support quality inspection personnel work to ensure the normal operation of the quality assurance system.

(4)    Responsible for the company's engineering quality, It will continue to go deep into the construction site, to solve the major problems encountered in the project.

(5)    It must organize the relevant personnel regularly to sum up the experience and lessons of construction quality assurance in construction, organize the study of advanced experience and technology in the field, so that the company's construction technology and construction quality continue to improve hiself.

02.The team responsible for quality assurance

(1)Under the leadership of the company's quality assurance manager, responsible for the overall quality control of the project, responsible for the preparation, revision and implementation of the quality assurance manual.

(2)Responsible for checking and guiding the coordination of the quality assurance system, and It has the right to evaluate the quality of the quality assurance staff at all levels.

(3) The quality control system out of control link, have the right to order to stop construction, deadline improvement.

(4)Responsible for organizing the construction of technical solutions, especially the key construction technical solutions.

(5)There is arbitration right to the quality problems in the construction and the disputes between the quality assurance personnel.

(6)It organizes the construction drawings and technical disclosure, approval of the professional technical documents.

(7)It contacts with the county and county technical supervision departments, consciously listen to the quality supervision and guidance of the installation project.

(8)It often go deep into the construction unit, humbly listen to their opinions on the quality of the installation, and constantly improve quality work.

03.Quality assurance team

(1) In drawing, understanding the requirements of the drawings and the intention of the Department of technology in the construction of key points.

(2) The team of personnel "quality first" ideological education, doing a good job of the team of self-examination, mutual inspection and process handover inspection.

(3) Lead the team according to the technical requirements of the drawings, construction according to the technical specification.

(4) Doing a good job of civilized construction, and actively adopt new technology, new technology construction.

(5)Strict material pass, unqualified material accessories have the right not to use.

(6)Doing a good job in the quality evaluation of the team. doing a good job of installation records, statistical statements, to ensure that the data is true and reliable.

04.Quality assurance of equipment and materials

1.Understanding the technical requirements of the drawings for the required materials.

2.Seriously preparing the necessary equipment, accessories, materials plan.

3.Selecting the right supplier, and review the quality certificate of equipment and materials.

4.Doing a good job of registration of out and storage, defective materials and inferior equipment have the right not to use.

5.According to the storage requirements, do inventory storage work seriously.

6.Listen carefully to the quality of equipment and materials reflected by teams and groups in order to improve the work in the future.

7.Seting up equipment archives and equipment account.

05.Structural process control QA

1. In construction drawings, understand the requirements of the drawings, the construction scheme is worked out, and seriously organize the implementation of the scene.

2.The construction has found that there is no right to stop construction according to the requirements of the construction plan.

3.To carry out civilized construction, and actively adopt new technology .

4. Doing a good job of all kinds of valve tightness test, safety valve, pressure gauge calibration work.

5.Taking part in pressure test and system pressure test.

6.Participate in individual trial run and linkage test run.

7.Doing a good job in the process of the original records, responsible for sorting materials reported to block and transfer.

06.Welding quality assurance

1.Compile welding process plan and reexamine welding personnel.

2.Checking the quality of welding materials, defective welding rod has the right to not use it.

3.Checking the welding quality, strictly according to the welding construction scheme construction.

4.Formulate welding renovation technical measures, organize on-site construction.

5.Taking part in the scrap and repairing work of welding.

6.Grade evaluation of welding procedure.

7.Arranging welding records and reporting to archives.

07.Pipe quality assurance staff

1.In construction drawings, understanding the technical requirements of the drawings.

2.Compiling pipeline construction plan and organizing on-site implementation.

3.Checking whether the process pipeline direction is reasonable and supervise the construction quality.

4.Preparing the test plan of boiling, washing and steam tightness, and it do well the preparation before boiling.

5.Making a good record and submitting the materials.

08.Building furnace quality assurance staff

1.Familiar with the technical requirements of drawings, preparing the construction plan of furnace construction. Doing well the preparation work before building furnace.

2.Checking material quality, checking material quality certificate and test report.

3.Supervise the implementation of furnace building plan, checking whether the brick seam and plane meeting the requirements.

4.Prepared oven plan, doing well preparatory work before baking.

5.Making a good record of the materials and reporting them to the archives.
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